የልዕለ ሐምራዊ ጨረራ (Ultraviolet radiation) ምንድነው?

ከሰሞኑ በኢትዮጵያ ፤ በተለይ በአዲስ አበባ ተመዘገበ የተባለው እጅግ ከፍተኛ የልእለ ሐምራዊ ጨረራ አመልካች (UV Index) የልኬት መጠን በብዙኅን ዘንድ መነጋገሪያ ከመሆንም ባሻገር  አንዳንድ ት/ቤቶች ተማሪዎቻቸውን ከዚህ ጨረራ ለመጠበቅ በክፍላቸው…

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Why Space Matters

During his time as a NASA astronaut, Mission Specialist Dan Tani flew two space shuttle missions and worked on the International Space Station (ISS) for 120 days as a flight engineer. Tani graduated from Massachusetts Institute of Technology in 1988 with a Master of Science degree in Mechanical Engineering. NASA selected Tani to be an astronaut in 1996.

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